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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Herbal Health Review Stress Busters!

In our busy lives, relaxation can come and go. If you can fit in a quick bath, watch your favorite television show or get comfy with a good book, you might be able to relax a little. Do you even remember what it feels like to relax? Sure, you’re not a kid anymore, but that doesn’t mean that you have to go through the motions of day-to-day life feeling tense.

True relaxation lasts much longer than a thirty-minute bath or even a weekend vacation. True relaxation helps you to stay calm, feel calm, deal with stressful situations with more ease and, in time, feel a general happiness. Overall, this will make you a healthier person. You can achieve this with a relaxation process that you should do on a daily basis. Any form of meditation, writing in a journal and exercises are all great ways to achieve relaxation that lasts all day long.

This should be a lifetime commitment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change it. When something doesn’t seem to be working with you, try something else. We are all different and different methods of relaxation work for different people.

Meditation –
There are many forms of meditation out there that you can try. Try a search online or visit your local library for information on meditation. The general purpose is to clear your mind and rejuvenate your body. You should set aside at least ten minutes every day for meditating.

Journaling –
Writing down your thoughts and feelings can release a tremendous amount of stress. I keep one within arm’s reach in case I need to just let it all out. I get it all out, close it and put it away. I don’t re-read what I have written. This helps me a lot when I am angry, confused or just plain overwhelmed. I can dump it all in my journal and forget about it.

Exercise –
Exercise can relieve a great amount of stress. Any type of exercise, even just going for a walk, can reduce your stress levels. You choose what works best for you. I enjoy stretching and deep breathing. This works well for me, especially since I am writing or typing most of my day. I feel better afterwards. I feel more calm and relaxed. Plkus, I am reducing my risk for carpal tunnel. It’s healthy all around. You should exercise at least three times a week for at least ten minutes each time.

If you can do all three of these relaxation methods, good for you! You are reducing your stress levels, reducing your risks for a variety of illnesses and diseases and you will feel better. You will be able to accept tough situations with more ease, which means more smiling and laughing. When a stressful situation does bear its ugly head, take in a long, steady, deep breath. You will be able to handle it with a calm and clear mind.

I wish you the best on your quest for true relaxation and urge you to not give up. It took me a while to find something that worked for me, but it was worth it.

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